Sports Rehabilitation

Sports Rehabilitation

If you participate in sports, you know how rough and tumble it can be. You probably have had your share of sprains and strains. The good news is that Irvine Chiropractor, Dr. Gary Martin is here to help you get pain relief and sports rehabilitation care, including chiropractic adjustments and massage therapy to help treat your muscular and nervous systems.


Understanding Sports Rehabilitation

Sports injuries can cause pain just about anywhere in the body but they often happen to the neck and back. From pesky sprains and strains to more significant muscle tears and joint issues, these can keep you sidelined for weeks if not handled properly.  The good news is that with the help of a “sports injury chiropractor near me,” like Dr. Gary Martin, you get the help you might need to recover more quickly.

Dr. Martin will find out the cause of your injury and create a personalized rehabilitation plan that can help target the root cause of your injury, speed up your recovery, and strengthen your body to prevent future setbacks.  He can do this using different types of treatment, including chiropractic adjustments, deep myofascial massage, cold laser therapy and various nutritional therapies.

What are Chiropractic Adjustments? 

Adjustments are where Dr. Martin uses his hands to restore the normal alignment and mobility to the joints of the body- not just in the neck and back, but also to the other joints of the body, including the shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees and ankles.  Spinal adjustments are done for the same reason-              to restore normal mobility and alignments to the spinal joints, but with the added intent of removing any irritation to the local spinal nerves.    

What is Myofascial Release Therapy?

Myofascial Release is a type of massage therapy that is used to treat various types of muscle pain and tension.  Dr. Martin’s massage therapists use slow, deep strokes of their hands to apply pressure and release adhesions in the connective tissue in the surrounding musculature.  This tissue, known as fascia, can become tight and restrictive when the muscles are stretched or overused.  This can lead to pain and dysfunction in the body.  Myofascial release helps to release the fascia and intramuscular adhesions to ease tension in the muscles. 

What is Cold Laser Therapy?

Cold laser therapy refers to a type of low-level infrared laser that helps the body heal from many different types of neuro-muscular injuries.  Since our laser doesn’t create the burning sensation associated with other high level laser treatments, chiropractors , orthopedists and physical therapists consider this to be a “cold laser” therapy.  It deeply penetrates the surface of the skin and the underlying tissues to decrease pain and swelling, and helps the natural healing process without causing any injury to your skin.  This is the same therapy that all the professional sports teams use on their athletes to help them recover from their sports injuries. 

Get Sports Injury Treatments from an experienced Sports Injury Chiropractor for Joint Sprains and Muscle Strains

If you are looking for specialized treatment for your sports injury, look for a “sports injury chiropractor near me,” to find Dr. Gary Martin, Irvine Chiropractor in Irvine, CA.  We’re here to help. Call us at (949) 559-7999 for more information about chiropractic care for your sprains and strains.

Hours of Operation


8:00am - 1:00pm


8:00am - 1:00pm


8:00am - 1:00pm




8:00am - 1:00pm





8:00am - 1:00pm
8:00am - 1:00pm
8:00am - 1:00pm
8:00am - 1:00pm


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