Natural pain relief

Natural pain relief

Natural Pain Relief in Irvine

Headaches, back pain, migraines, neck and other chronic pain can become a life altering problem. Many individuals facing these problems find that their entire quality of life can be greatly diminished when these conditions go unchecked. Traditional pain medications can also prove life altering. The natural pain relief in Irvine side effects that accompany most pain killers can alter the way individuals act, think and even limit their ability to work. This is one of the main reasons people seek out natural pain relief solutions. If you battle chronic pain, our caring team at Dr. Gary Martin, Irvine Chiropractor can provide chiropractic adjustments for you to aid in natural pain relief.

One of the reasons that chiropractic adjustments are so effective toward natural pain relief is because this procedure targets the root cause of your pain. These procedures deliver long term pain relief and by pass the need for pain medication and sometimes even surgery. Along with the other complementary treatments provided at our facility you can begin to alleviate your pain and increase your quality of life. Our complementary therapies include: nutrition counseling, massage, and other types of wellness care to help you on your journey toward a more healthy life.

A Drug Free Option in Irvine

Those who suffer from chronic pain deserve a life free of pain and harmful medications full of side effects. You deserve effective, long lasting pain relief and we can help you obtain that. Pain medications only help to numb the pain providing a temporary relief. Most drugs work by affecting the way the brain processes its pain signals. The downside to pain medication is that eventually the effects of the drug wear off and the pain remains. Our chiropractors use a very different approach to pain management. We do not treat our patients’ symptoms only, but rather aim to solve the root of your pain problem. In most cases the root of chronic pain is spinal misalignment.

Causes of Misalignment

Sports injuries, slips and falls can change the spine’s natural alignment. When this happens the vertebrae are no not in proper position for support. The result is that they will begin to compress nerves nearby. The location of the compressed nerves will determine where individuals feel their pain. It is the job of the chiropractor to locate the compressed nerves and then to develop a custom treatment plan. This plan will help to restore alignment and relieve the compressed nerves so that patients can live pain free.

Dr. Gary Martin, Irvine Chiropractor will follow a holistic approach to your wellness and pain relief. Not only to we offer chiropractic therapy, but we also offer complementary therapies which when combined can speed your recovery. These complementary, such as massage, aim to relieve stress and boost the body’s natural immune system and defenses. Nutritional counseling is another complementary therapy that can help individuals obtain their optimum wellness. Even small dietary changes can often have huge results when battling chronic pain or illness. This happens by reducing internal inflammation which is associated with many types of chronic pain.

At Dr. Gary Martin, Irvine Chiropractor, we strongly believe that effective pain management starts with a holistic approach to pain relief. To learn more about the benefits of chiropractic care please contact us today at (949) 559-7999 to schedule an appointment.

Hours of Operation


8:00am - 1:00pm


8:00am - 1:00pm


8:00am - 1:00pm




8:00am - 1:00pm





8:00am - 1:00pm
8:00am - 1:00pm
8:00am - 1:00pm
8:00am - 1:00pm


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