Neck Pain Caused By Auto Accident

Neck Pain Caused By Auto Accident

No one plans to get into an auto accident, but every year over six million Americans do. The most common complaint after a car crash is neck pain. Our auto accident chiropractor in Irvine, Dr. Gary Martin, offers a variety of drug-free, non-surgical, natural treatments for the relief of neck pain after a car crash.


Even a Fender Bender Can Cause Whiplash

That pain in your neck that you feel after an auto accident is called whiplash. It's a condition resulting from small tears to the semispinalis, splenius capitis, and upper trapezius muscles in your neck, shoulders and upper back which give you the ability to turn your head to the right and left, and up and down.

One of the first things you may (or may not) notice after a car crash, even a fender bender at 2 miles an hour, can limit the range of motion of your neck. This is due to areas of swelling that occur where you have small tears in your neck muscles.  Because your neck muscles are directly attached to your cervical spine, the vertebrae in your neck can be nudged out of alignment, causing nerve irritation and result in pain, inflammation, swelling and muscle spasms.

Misalignment Is at the Core of Most Cases of Neck Pain

Neck pain and immobility can be acute.  Sometimes the problem may resolve on its own, or at least it seems to.  Most of the time, the misalignment of the cervical spine leads to some chronic neck issues. Your neck might ache for no apparent reason at all. You could even forget about a fender bender months or years ago that still causes you chronic neck and shoulder pain.

The bones of the spine can grow closer together, pinching a nerve, so you feel constant pain in your neck or some other part of your body that nerve serves, such as your shoulders, arms, or hands. Pinching a nerve can also lead to numbness or tingling and loss of fine motor control of the neck, shoulder and arm muscles. Chiropractor Dr. Gary Martin can effectively treat these problems with some basic tools.

Two Tools Your Auto Accident Chiropractor Uses

What kind of treatment for neck, shoulder and upper back pain can you expect from Dr. Martin, chiropractor? He uses specific and highly effective chiropractic adjustments to gently move the vertebrae in your neck and back into their proper alignment. This removes nerve irritation, and pain-free function is gradually restored.  When your spine is being trained to get back into alignment, Dr. Martin has a variety of additional state of the art treatments for relieving pain without the use of medications or potentially addictive painkilling drugs!

Dr. Martin Is Your Auto Accident Chiropractor in Irvine

You don't have to hope that the neck, shoulder and back pains will go away. Our Irvine auto accident chiropractor, Dr. Gary Martin, can help. Contact our office in Irvine at (949) 559-7999 today to make your appointment and get effective and lasting pain relief.

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