Stress Related Health Conditions

Stress Related Health Conditions

Stress may be as much of a risk as high blood pressure and smoking. If there's one thing we understand at Dr. Gary Martin Irvine Chiropractor in Irvine, CA, it's the impact that stress has on the body. Each day we have patients in and around Irvine who come in and discuss how stressful their job or personal life is while explaining about headaches or chest pain they've been experiencing. There is an important connection.


Can Our Chiropractor Help with Stress-Related Conditions?

Getting your spine properly aligned is one of the best things you can do for your body. The relaxation effect on the muscles alone gives the body a boost. Here, we'll discuss a few stress-related conditions and how chiropractic care can improve your quality of life.

Chiropractic Care for Insomnia

Not getting enough sleep is one of the leading causes of stress among adults in the US. Too often, falling asleep is a massive challenge. It does not help that we have a plethora of distractions and smart devices that shine bright lights in our faces from bed. 

Another aspect causing insomnia is discomfort. Neck and back pain are all too often a major complaint of those who come in. Those two happen to be areas of the body our chiropractor knows a lot about. Treatment focused on the spine or adjustments has shown a noticeable decrease in pain and an increase in muscle relaxation.

Circulatory Conditions Treatments

The part of the brain that deals with emotions is the same area that processes stress. Distress here leads to a higher likelihood of developing heart and circulatory conditions. Our chiropractor can help with this by adjusting the spine. Treatments focused on the spine have been shown to improve blood circulation and thereby help related conditions. Spinal adjustments can also relieve nerve irritation and restore normal functioning of the nervous system.

Anxiety, Depression, and Adjustments

Having chiropractic care administered consistently has reliably lowered blood pressure. This is a major benefit of going to our chiropractor if you are experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression, as conditions like hypertension are much more likely in those suffering.

The relaxation from chiropractic care can ease the mind and soothe depression. We also offer massage therapy to help relieve tension in muscles due to stress buildup. This will help keep your mind fit and will have you leaving the office feeling better physically and mentally.

Contact Us for More Information

If you're in or around Irvine and you can see yourself represented in one of these stress-related conditions, we'd love to help. At Dr. Gary Martin Irvine Chiropractor in Irvine, CA, we're here to discuss what you're dealing with and how treatment might make a difference to your body and mind. Give us a call at (949) 559-7999 to get started!

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8:00am - 1:00pm


8:00am - 1:00pm


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8:00am - 1:00pm
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