Body Aches Post COVID

Body Aches Post COVID

Many people who had COVID experienced body aches and pains during the illness. And for some of these people, these aches linger long after the illness has resolved. If you're dealing with post-COVID body aches and you're in or near Irvine, CA, reaching out to Dr. Gary Martin, Irvine Chiropractor, can help. By working with a chiropractor, you may see a reduction in muscle soreness and joint pain as well as an improved range of motion.


Muscular Soreness After COVID

Sore, aching muscles seem to come along with COVID, and that's not a surprise. Many viral illnesses cause these kinds of symptoms. But if muscular soreness is hanging around long after the virus has left, then it's time to get some help and support to reduce or eliminate the problem. A chiropractor can help because a lot of soreness in muscles comes from tension and tightness in ligaments and tendons. Misalignment of bones and joints can be the cause of that, and treatment can help.

Post-COVID Nerve Pain

Another common post-COVID complaint is nerve pain or neuropathy. This can be unsettling, but it's often caused by additional pressure on the nerves from misalignment in other areas of the body. With quality chiropractic care, you can reduce the neuropathy issues you're experiencing from COVID and see a decline in nerve pain. Over time, this pain should completely resolve. In the meantime, it can give you a lot of relief by getting it treated and addressed regularly so you can feel better faster.

Joint Pain Is Also a Concern

Like nerve pain, joint pain is common for many people dealing with post-COVID issues. If you find you're experiencing a lot of body aches and joint pain, chiropractic care is a good option. Gently realigning the joints and relaxing tense muscles can help many of these aches and pains fade away. You'll also get back a better range of motion when your joints don't hurt because movement will be easier. Resolving post-COVID joint pain can enhance your quality of life.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Chiropractor for Body Ache Treatment in Irvine

If you're in the Irvine, CA, area and need a chiropractor to help with post-COVID pain issues, reach out to Dr. Gary Martin, Irvine Chiropractor, today. We know that living with joint pain, nerve pain, and body aches can be very frustrating, and we want to make sure you're getting all the help and support you need to feel better as quickly as possible. We're here to help you get the right treatment for your needs, so give us a call today at (949) 559-7999.

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